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Flash Ley Community Primary School

Believe to Achieve


Yet another busy week!  Time flies when we’re all having so much fun 😊

Highlights of this week:-

  • Year 4 swimming
  • Year 5 Forest Schools
  • Our Year 1 and 2 football team did amazingly well at the tournament – you made us all proud
  • KS2 X-hail meditation focused on our emotions


Year 2 had an amazing time at LEGO as well, even though it got off to a very snowy start!! 😊  The Great British Weather!!


A reminder that the cut off for Mothers Day KS2 has now passed.


I would also like to congratulate Mr D Armstrong as he is now our new Parent Governor. 


Looking ahead to next week:-

  • Tickets on sale £1 per strip for our Mothers Day Raffle – for sale from the office or from class teachers 😊 It will be drawn on Friday morning.  Mrs Bates will ring the winners so that prizes can be collected before Mothers Day 😊
  • Year 1 Forest Schools so children can wear old clothes, gloves, hat and a change of footwear
  • We are also celebrating SCIENCE WEEK
  • Mothers Day Lunch for EYFS/KS1 on Tuesday.  To avoid waiting around, please report to the hall at the allocated times below:-

Reception @ 11.30am

Year 1 @ 12

Year 2 @ 12.30pm


  • Year 6 have Stafford Sport on Thursday afternoon so can come to school in their PE kit
  • Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th STRIKE ACTION (same classes closed as previously)
  • Friday 17th March is RED NOSE DAY – Wear Red and a Nose £1
  • Friday 17th March from 9am SCIENCE PACT (parents invited) please leave mobile phones at home!


Enjoy the weekend and see you all on Monday.  Hopefully we’ve seen the last of all the ‘white stuff’!!! 


Mrs B and the FL Team 😊

