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School Logo

Flash Ley Community Primary School

Believe to Achieve


The Gruffalos

Welcome to Reception! On this page you will find information about our year group.


Your class teacher is Mrs Hughes.

Our Reception Teaching Assistants are Mrs Turner all day and Mrs Gill in the afternoon. Miss Bricknell joins us on Mondays and Mrs Sargeant covers Mrs Hughes on Fridays!

Please do not hesitate to contact any of our members of staff. We have an open door policy so you are more than welcome to ask any questions or come and speak to us about your child's progress.  


In Reception, we offer a warm, caring environment where our children feel safe and happy. We have well qualified and experienced staff at Flash Ley who plan innovative and exciting activities that centre around your child's interests and specific needs to move your child's learning forward. We provide an environment where children develop resilience, independence, confidence and a thirst for knowledge. 



