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Flash Ley Community Primary School

Believe to Achieve


Look at Us Learning

Reception 2023-2024

Above you will find our special Maths page!

You can see the rest of our wonderful learning each half term below:

Our first half term has been all about settling in, making friends and sharing the things that make our lives special. We have started our phonics journey, subitised in maths and adventured into forest school. PE has seen us develop our gymnastics skills and we even got stuck into a session of 'Didi Rugby'! European languages day saw us celebrating Spain, trying churros and decorating flags. We celebrated Roald Dahl day and Poetry week too! We finished the half term with some spooky goings on...making pumpkin soup and going on a trick or treat treasure hunt! 

What a fantastic half term Autumn B has been. We started with Non-Fiction week with the focus this year on water. We learnt about the water cycle, made rain gauges, designed umbrellas and danced in the rain too!

We've been exploring seasonal changes as we discovered all about Autumn, Winter and animals that hibernate. Shapes have been a big part of this half term with a special maths week challenge to use triangles in art! Our classroom had a big footed visitor and we had to draw posters to catch was a yeti! We got scientific with mixing our own cloud dough and  celebrated Diwali too! We finished up the half term with some extra excitement...... Christmas of course and an amazing forest school session. 

Spring A took us into the world of traditional tales as we explored Cinderella, The Wizard of Oz and Alice in Wonderland! We helped find Cinderella's glass slipper and built the Emerald city to find our way to Oz with wishes written using our phonics. We slipped down the rabbit hole and ended up at a mad hatters tea party which brought lots of learning challenges with it. We took part in storytelling week and a special 'Watch Me Learn' where our adults joined us to learn all about how we do maths in Reception. Visit our Maths page at the top to see more! To finish the half term we celebrated Chinese New Year with a traditional tale set in China, The Magic Paintbrush. We had a dragon visit us to tell us all about the year of the dragon, the Chinese zodiac, bring us food to taste and teach us a dragon dance! 

The dragon left us a very special object which we had to look after, but what hatched out of it wasn't a dragon at was a unicorn! So in Spring B we carried on exploring our interest of mythical creatures. We planned a party for the Unicorn who doesn't love sparkles. Spring B brought lots of fun events to Reception as we celebrated Storytelling week, World book day and  Science week!

The time is flying and now we find ourselves in Summer A! This half term is all about 'A long time ago' as we explore the past and present. We started by entering our time machine which transported us all the way back to the stone age. We explored how people lived in caves and hunted for food. We built our own cave homes and made cave painting art. Our second blast in the time machine left us in prehistoric times...along with some prehistoric creatures! We used non-fiction texts to learn about dinosaurs and gather facts to dig for bones and fossils, giving us clues to their exsistance. Fast forward a few million years and we arrived at the beginning of our time on earth, looking back on our past and memories and how much we have changed since birth. 

