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Flash Ley Community Primary School

Believe to Achieve




Why does online safety matter in the Early Years?


Ofcom’s ‘Children and Parents Media Use and Attitudes Report’ (2020– 2021) found that:

Among 3-4 year olds

  • 48% have their own tablet and 4% their own smartphone
  • To go online - 67% use a tablet, 35% a smartphone and 30% a laptop
  • To watch TV - 84% use a TV set, 70% a tablet and 42% a mobile phone
  • 47% watch lie broadcast TV whilst 90% watch video-on-demand content
  • 23% play games online
  • 18% use social media apps/sites
  • 20% use messaging apps/sites
  • 92% use video-sharing platforms
  • 24% use live streaming apps/sites


Staff at Voyage @ Flash Ley know how important it is to help safeguard our pupils and how important it is that early years children are learning about the world around them and how to keep themselves safe online. Below are some links to help and support you in teaching E-Safety at home:

