Contact Information

- 01785 337340
- Flash Ley Community Primary School, Hawksmoor Road, Stafford, ST17 9DR
Flash Ley Community Primary School
Believe to Achieve
Take a look at some of our computing work:
In key stage 1 we use JIT to paint, write and animate our work. We learn to find images safely, save and insert them into our work. We learn to enhance our creations with colour, text and stamps.
We are confident coders, using J2E Code and Visual to create algorithms. We can comment on our own work using text and voice recordings.
We are able to present information in a variety of ways. Take a look at some of our pictograms, charts and databases.
Using our animation skills we are able to add movement to still images. We are able to add our own voice files over our animations to create multimedia pieces of work.
In key stage 2 we apply our E-Safety learning to internet searches helping us to find reliable sources and collate facts. We use these to create fact files inserting images, text and sound.