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School Logo

Flash Ley Community Primary School

Believe to Achieve


The Day and Night Monkeys

Welcome to Nursery!


Your Class Teacher is Mrs Wooding

Your Teaching Assistants are Mrs Gill, Miss Bricknell and Miss Jarvis



On this page you will find information about our year group.


Please don't hesitate to contact any of our members of staff. We have an open door policy so you are more than welcome to ask any questions or come and speak to us about your child's progress.  You can also contact Mrs Wooding on the email: which is checked regularly outside teaching and learning time. 


In Nursery we aim to foster and support children's holistic development through carefully planned play based activities. Children enjoy the freedom to explore and test their skills and ideas with the support of the knowledgeable and caring staff in our Nursery team. Your child is placed at the centre of all we do and their individual learning needs carefully supported.

We plan our curriculum weekly around your children's interests and your home link learning book will include a topic sheet each week so please have a read to see what we are up to and communicate any messages.



  • Just a reminder nursery begins promptly at 8.45am. Should your child arrive late they are missing learning opportunities at register time such as name writing and phonics. The nursery door will not be open after 8.55am. Should you arrive after this time please sign your child in at the school office as the register will have been taken and your child marked absent.
  • If your child does not attend Voyage, collection from Nursery is 11.45am. If you have not arrived by 11.50am your child will be taken to the school office. Repeat lateness will result in your child being placed in Voyage care and you will be charged for this service. If you require care beyond your nursery hours our on site provision, Voyage, are happy to provide this. For more information ask any member of staff.
  • Children's home learning link books will be checked during the week for your messages and signed by staff. This book is where we will write nursery information and send letters and information home so please ensure you check this daily.
  • Can we kindly remind parents we are a school which promotes healthy eating. Children are not required to bring a drink to nursery as they have access to water or milk throughout the session. Should they wish to bring their own bottle this must be water only. Juice will not be given to children.
  • We provide a daily snack including a variety of fruit and vegetables. If your child has any allergies or intolerances you may send a healthy snack from home should you wish too.

