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School Logo

Flash Ley Community Primary School

Believe to Achieve



Autumn Term

This Term we will cover the following units:

· Number: Place Value (within 10)

· Number: Addition and Subtraction (within 10)

· Shape:2D and 3D

· Number: Place Value (within 20)


Spring Term

This term we will cover the following units:

· Number: Place Value (within 20 continued then 50)

· Number: Addition and Subtraction (Within 20)

· Measurement/Shape

 Summer Term

In Maths this term we will be covering:

  • Multiplication and Division
  • Fractions
  • Geometry: Position and Direction
  • Number: Place Value within 100
  • Measurement: Money
  • Measurement: Time


Any Maths you can do at home with your child will really be extremely beneficial in helping secure their understanding.

Some things you can practice at home:

  • Number bonds to 10 and 20
  • Doubling within 20
  • Counting in 10s, 5s and 2s
  • Addition and Subtraction within 10/20
  • Handling money – recognising coins
  • Practise 2D and 3D shape recognition and properties


As well as our daily Maths lesson, we have maths meetings twice a week where we recap all areas of our Maths curriculum. These are fun, active and engaging revision lessons to consolidate and secure the children's understanding with a duration of around 30 minutes!


Useful Links:

