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Flash Ley Community Primary School

Believe to Achieve


Look at Us Learning

We have all started to settle really well. We are enjoying our environment and we all love exploring the outdoor area. 

We have been making new friends and talking about our feelings and sharing our likes and dislikes. 

We have enjoyed reading Colour Monster and Elmer and have all worked really hard on our colours. 

This term our theme is 'Let's Celebrate.' We started off by looking at Diwali and the story of Rama and Sita. We made our own Diwa pots out of clay. We also made firework pictures and learned about the Gunpowder plot. 

We joined in with the Remembrance assembly and activities, making lots of poppies and attempting a 1 minute silence. All of us dressed up for Children in Need. 

We have started our Balancability on our balance bikes and are learning to control them well. 

Our traditional tales this term have been Goldilocks and the Three Bears and The Gingerbread Man and we have really loved looking at the different versions of these stories. We even used Gingerbread men in our maths!

We are busy practising for our Christmas show and are looking forward to performing this for our grown ups. 

We have started off the new year by reading the traditional tale The Three Little Pigs. We have had lots of fun creating houses out of straw, sticks and bricks. 

In Maths, we have been working on some new counting principles and checking our answers. We have also started Gymnastics in P.E. 

We continued this term, looking at the Non-Fiction book Lifesize Dinosaurs and loved learning lots of facts all about the time of the Dinosaurs. We especially loved making volcanoes. 

We all enjoyed learning about Lunar New Year, trying different foods and learning a special dance.

We finished the term with a special Valentine's Disco! 

