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School Logo

Flash Ley Community Primary School

Believe to Achieve


Caterpillars - 2-3 years

Welcome to Caterpillars


We are delighted that you want to know more about childcare for 2-3 year olds through Voyage @ Flash Ley.

Our out of school provision offers educational childcare where children can participate and enjoy planned activities which are age appropriate. These activities reflect the high standards of care and education throughout our school.




Who's Who?



Caterpillar prices


Breakfast Session

7:30-9:00 (Includes breakfast)


Morning Session

9:00-11:30 (Includes drink & snack)


Lunch Session



Afternoon Session

12:30-3:00 (Includes drink & snack)


Tea Time Session

3:00-5:30 (Includes light tea)



Full Day Session

7:30-5:30 (Includes breakfast, snacks & light tea)



Hourly1 hour or any part thereof£9


*If your child/ren stay over the lunch hour, you may either provide them with a packed lunch, or you can order a hot school dinner for an extra fee of £2.20.



If you are interested in making an enquiry about a place for your child/ren, please don't hesitate to contact us using the details on our 'Welcome' page or even pop in and speak to the Voyage Team to organise an appointment to come and have a look around the provision. If you wish for your child to attend Voyage, we can then arrange a stay and play session before their start date.




What do I need to provide?


  • Nappies, wipes and creams if necessary
  • To ensure your child/ren settle with their new Key Person efficiently, please fill out the 'Getting to Know You' forms with as much information as possible
  • Provide us with appropriate comforters (we try to discourage dummies/blankets etc. as much as we can, but we will do whatever we can ensure the children remain happy and settled)
  • Keep us up to date with any new addresses, contact numbers, illnesses etc.
  • A spare change of clothing
  • A sun hat throughout the summer/hat, scarf, gloves throughout the winter (we always try to get outside no matter what the weather!)
  • Please keep your child's 'Learning Log' up to date and bring it in with your child whenever they're in to help maintain Parent Partnership
  • A labelled water bottle






Caterpillar Room...

