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Flash Ley Community Primary School

Believe to Achieve


What a fantastic week we’ve all had!!

Just 5 more get ups now then a well deserved Easter break 😊


So a summary of this week:-

  • A big shout out to all our Year 6 parents/carers who came along for the SATS session on Monday – we hope you found the informal session useful
  • WORLD POETRY DAY was celebrated on Tuesday
  • Year 5 had an amazing morning in the planetarium 😊
  • Mothers Day Lunch for KS2 was held on Wednesday.  It was lovely to see so many of you enjoying time in school with the children.  A big thank you to Mrs Rowley and her team who worked really hard to prepare an additional 80 lunches 😊
  • We celebrated MATHS DAY on Thursday
  • Reception and Weight for Year 6 and Reception was carried out on Thursday
  • Friday we all came in Non Uniform and we were amazed at how many pieces of chocolate/Easter Eggs you all donated.  We really do have awesome parents and community support 😊


So here’s to next week:-

It’s a very busy one so we’ll be posting facebook posts and MM reminders throughout the week to make sure no one forgets anything 😊


  • Easter Bonnet Interhouse Competition on Monday
  • Year 4 Forest Schools in the morning.  Reception children Forest Schools in the afternoon.  This will be on MONDAY (I actually remembered to tell you the day!) 😊  Old clothes and a change of footwear required as it’s pretty muddy over there!
  • Monday Film Night until 5.30pm for those children who have paid.  The deadline for this has now past so that we can prepare enough snacks and drinks.  Prompt collection from around 5.20pm from the school hall.
  • Reception Film Night – details have been sent on a separate letter (or double check with Mrs H during drop off on Monday morning)
  • Tuesday - Stay n Play for our Voyage, Nursery and Reception parents (am) – a separate letter has gone out with further details
  • Various Football Tournaments are taking place this week – if your child is involved in these – then see the separate letters that have been sent to you 😊
  • Easter Fayre in the school hall from 3.30pm until 4.20pm on Wednesday.  Chip cones are also on sale in the kitchen so make sure you bring lots of pennies with you 😊
  • Thursday is the turn of Year 1 to have Stafford Sports for the afternoon.  Children can wear their PE kits.
  • Parents Evening from 3.30pm – 6.30pm in the school hall.  Entry school via the main Reception Door.  If you haven’t managed to organise an appointment with your child’s class teacher yet, there is still time to do this.  The session will be a great way to find out how your child is getting on in school 😊
  • Photography in school on Friday morning so everyone to wear full school uniform please.  Individual photos will be done along with sibling photos for those siblings in school.


And we finish the week with our Year 4 Class Assembly – and you are in for a treat!!  Everyone welcome.  Prompt start at 2.30pm in the school hall


Have an amazing weekend and get ready for lots of amazing activities happening next week.


Stay safe, have fun and enjoy the sunshine (hopefully it will last)


Mrs B and the FL Team 😊

