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Flash Ley Community Primary School

Believe to Achieve


What a fantastic first week back!!

Everyone has settled quickly into our school routine and we've had a really productive week. 

So, this week at a glance: - 

  • Year 4 went swimming and were amazing as always 🙂 
  • Severn Trent Water came into school on Monday for our whole school assembly to explain the process water goes through and all the recycling that happens.  
  • Year 5 enjoyed their Water workshop to develop their water knowledge even further 
  • Year 6 spent the day in Forest Schools on Monday 
  • Year 2 participated in a session run by Progressive Sports on Tuesday
  • Year 4 had a visit from Chef on Friday and took part in a 'sensory tasting' session - they had lots of fun 
  • We then finished the week with a special visitor who came into our whole school assembly to takk about 'remembrance' 


Letters have been issued to relevant year groups in relation to the Xmas Panto (Year 1 - Year 5) Payment via Parent Pay 

Voyage, Nursery and Reception have also received a letter in relation to the Xmas Magician.  Once again Payment via Parent Pay 


Looking ahead to next week: - 

  • It's the turn of Year 2 to spend the day over in Forest Schools.  Children can come to school in old clothes, coat, hat, scarves and a change of sturdy shoes please 🙂 
  • Year 4 swimming on Monday 
  • Year 6 have a special visitor on Monday to enhance their topic 🙂 
  • It's the turn of Year 3 to experience Progressive Sports on Tuesday.  Children can come to school in their PE kits on this day 
  • Year 4 are spending the day at Atkin Farm on Wednesday.  Children can wear their own clothes (which you don't mind getting dirty) and need to wear either wellies or walking/sturdy shoes 🙂   If you haven't already done so, please pay using our Parent Pay 🙂 A letter with more details has already been sent out to you. 
  • On Thursday Reception and Year 6 - Height and Weight checks 
  • Reception are holding their first 'Watch me Learn' session focused on reading.  Please report to reception at 9.15am.  This session will finish at approximately 10am. 
  • To end the week, we are celebrating 'Children In Need' day on Friday - a separate letter has been issued in relation to this.  Children can wear anything 'spotty' in exchange for a donation to this worthy charity 


Tuesday and Thursday clubs to run as normal this week.  Prompt collection at 4pm please 


Have a fabulous weekend and we'll see you all on Monday 


Mrs B and the FL Team 🙂 

