Contact Information
- 01785 337340
- Flash Ley Community Primary School, Hawksmoor Road, Stafford, ST17 9DR
Flash Ley Community Primary School
Believe to Achieve
So Year 3 started the week with a fantastic visit to RAF Cosford - everyone came back absolutely buzzing - learning at its best 🙂 A special shout out to Miss Bunn, Mrs Hepple and parent helpers who volunteered to help for the day - it's very much appreciated
Film Night was a success and everyone who stayed had a lovely time - thanks to staff who stayed to man the event.
A big shout out to Mrs Fenton and the choir who sang at the Stroke Club. It certainly got everyone in the festive spirit. See separate Facebook post
Our Boccia Team attended a tournament at Rowley Park on Tuesday evening after school. A big shout out to Miss Young, Mrs Parker and Mr Davies who gave up their time to supervise the children
Year 5 enjoyed Progressive Sports and Year 6 enjoyed their day out at Forest Schools enhancing their Crime and Punishment Topic
On Wednesday, we held our Xmas Inter Competition - the scores on the doors are as follows 🙂
1st Castle
2nd County
3rd Chase
A lovely morning was had by all 🙂
Thanks to those families who came along to our Xmas Fayre. It was lovely to see so many of you. Once we have a final total, we'll let you all know. The turn-out was just amazing!! 🙂
We finished the week with our Year 2 Xmas PACT session - once again thanks for supporting this session. We hope you had as much fun as we did.
Please note: - The cut off has now ended for any Xmas Lunch Orders. Those children who haven't ordered a Xmas Lunch need to bring a packed lunch
Autumn Reports have been issued today. If you have any questions regarding these, please speak directly to your child's class teacher
Looking ahead to next week: -
Whole School break up for the Xmas Break at 3.15pm - please collect children promptly so the Xmas can get into full swing!!!
Please note: - As always, no PHOTOS will be allowed at any of our performances, due to children on stage not being allowed any photographs to be taken. Please respect this so that everyone is happy!!
Have a great week and see you next week for only 5 more get ups
Mrs B and the FL Team 🙂