- Year 6 had an amazing time at Shrewsbury Prison extending their knowledge on their topic - Crime and Punishment
- Year 5 were assessed in swimming - we are all very proud of their achievements 😊
- Our Xmas CD has been recorded - place your order via Parent Pay
- Year 4 had a great afternoon with Stafford Sport - dancing the afternoon away 🙂
- Year 6 spent a cool but dry day in the Forest School on Friday
Looking ahead to next week:-
Xmas has arrived at FL - lots of lovely activities for everyone to enjoy over the next few weeks 🙂
- No after school clubs now until after Xmas (with the exception of Stafford Sports Football on Thursday 8th December)
- Year 5 last swimming session on Monday 😊
- Disco Night on Monday (see letter for timings for each KS) 🙂 Prompt collection at the allocated time from the hall doors - ALL CHILDREN MUST BE COLLECTED PLEASE
- Round 2 of Vaccinations on Monday 5th December
- Panto on Tuesday - oh no it's not, oh yes it is!!! Payment via Parent Pay
- Wednesday 7th December at 3.30pm - Mini Xmas Fayre - all classes have been busy preparing things to sell on their class stall. There will also be refreshments for sale, chocolate tombola, toy tombola and raffle tickets (raffle will be drawn the last week of school)
- Wednesday 7th December - KS2 Xmas Lunch for children - A reminder that ALL XMAS LUNCHES must be pre-ordered
- Thursday 8th December - Year 4 VIKING DAY - payment via Parent Pay
- It's the turn of Year 2 to have Stafford Sport on Thursday 8th December - children can come to school in their PE kit
- Forest School Friday is the turn of our Year 5 children - children need to wear old clothes, wellies or sturdy boots and bring a waterproof with them/hats/scarfs also as it's a bit cooler now
- XMAS JUMPER DAY for everyone on FRIDAY 9th December - £1 contribution – all proceeds to go to SAVE THE CHILDREN 😊
And to finish off the week with a BANG!!
- We have the KS2 Xmas Extravaganza at 2.30pm on Friday 9th December - a letter with regard to ticket allocation has been sent - 2 tickets only per child due to capacity in the hall
So have a restful weekend everyone in readiness for a pretty busy Xmasy week 🙂
Stay safe, have fun and start getting in the festive spirit.
Mrs B and the FL Team 🙂
PS:- Important information re:- works on Hawksmoor Road
To reduce congestion outside of school, any vehicles working on the new houses, will park on our school site. This means that only the MAIN BLUE GATE will be open until further notice. Children will still be able to drop their bikes and scooters off at the bike shed, but everyone needs to use the one gate to come on to and exit the school site.
Thanks for your continued support.