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School Logo

Flash Ley Community Primary School

Believe to Achieve


Welcome back for the last half term of this academic year!! 🙂

  • Year 6 have had an amazing week.  On Tuesday they spent an afternoon 'boxing' with Progressive Sports and then had a fabulous day at Alton Towers on Wednesday 🙂 Thanks to those staff and parent volunteers who helped out to make this day possible - you are amazing!!
  • A big 'shout out' to those parents who came along to the Watch Me Learn - Year 3 on Wednesday afternoon.  We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did 🙂 
  • Our 'PTFA' are well and truly in the groove organising the SUMMER FAYRE - we still need raffle prizes please and also more volunteers to run a stall (it's literally one hour) - if you are interested please catch Mrs B 🙂



Looking ahead to next week: - 

  • We kickstart the week with a whole school 'writing assembly' on Monday in readiness for an exciting week of writing 
  • Year 4 swimming as normal on Monday afternoon - a reminder to remove all jewellery prior to coming to school 
  • Year 6 have a special assembly on Monday discussing 'managing transition to High School after SATS' 
  • Year 1 Phonics Screening all week 
  • Year 4 Timetables Screening all week 
  • After School Clubs on Tuesday and Thursday - prompt collection at 4pm 
  • Wednesday 12th June @ 9.15am - Stay n Play for EYFS (one parent invited per child) - please leave mobile phones at home 
  • Year 5/6 Athletics on Wednesday 12th June (12.45pm - 5pm) (a separate letter has been sent out to those children who have been selected) 
  • Watch Me Learn (Year 4) on Wednesday 12th June @ 2pm - 3pm (only one parent per child please).  A reminder to leave mobile phones at home 
  • On Friday 14th June we are holding a NON-UNIFORM DAY in exchange for CHOCOLATE or any NEW GIFTS for our SUMMER FAYRE 🙂


Have a lovely weekend and we'll see you all on Monday 


Thanks for your continued support 


Mrs B and the FL Team 🙂 

