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School Logo

Flash Ley Community Primary School

Believe to Achieve


Weekly Summary 31st January 2025

After School Clubs letters have been issued this week.  You will receive a Text to confirm which club your child can attend.


Clubs run on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday with a prompt collection of 4pm.   A reminder that these clubs are run by staff in their own time.   


So, this week looked a bit like this: - 

  • Celebrated 'Storytelling Week' with a range of activities throughout the week, all associated with Lunar New Year. 
  • Thanks to those who came along and supported the Book Fair at the beginning of the week.  We'll let you know how much school have to spend of books for our school 🙂 A big thank you to various staff who helped to man the Book Fair and to Mrs Fenton for organising the fair and a fantastic Story Telling Week full of lots of amazing activities 
  • Year 2 enjoyed both Progressive Sports (Archery) and Forest Schools on Thursday. 
  • Year 3 took part in an observed walk around the local area as part of their 'road safety’.  A big thank you to our parent volunteers who helped out.  It's very much appreciated. 
  • Year 1 took part in a lesson about 'Seatbelt Safety' 
  • Reception had a visit from the Opticians for those parents who returned the consent form 🙂


Looking ahead to next week: - 

  • We are celebrating the Chinese New Year with our 'Lunar Workshops' on Monday - if you haven't already paid, please do so via Parent Pay 
  • Year 4 swimming as normal 
  • Year 3 Progressive Sports on Tuesday afternoon - children can wear PE kits to school on this day 
  • After School Clubs commence this week on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday until 4pm - please collect promptly 
  • Year 3 have Forest Schools on Thursday so can come to school in old, warm clothes and need to bring a change of footwear (sturdy boots or wellies are ideal) 
  • NSPCC Number Day on Friday - £1 contribution.  Non-uniform and wear a number 🙂  


Have a super weekend and see you all next week 


Mrs B and the F L Team 


