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Flash Ley Community Primary School

Believe to Achieve


We made it to the end of term and the Summer Break!!

Thanks to everyone who came along to our celebration assemblies to help us showcase how fantastic our FL family is 🙂 We hope you enjoyed yourselves.  


A big farewell to our Year 6s - we wish them lots of happiness and success in the next stage of their learning journey.   Remember to come back to tell us all about what you've been up to!! 


To everyone else, on behalf of the FL Team, we'd like to say thanks for your continued support this year and have an amazing summer break 🙂 


We'll see you all on Wednesday 4th September @ 8.40am. 


Take care, stay safe and make lots of precious memories 


Mrs B and the F L Team 🙂 


PS:- We'll send a MM/facebook post on Monday 2nd September with bits n bobs for the first week back - but for now - time to chill in the sun with a glass of something very cool 🙂  Enjoy 

