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Flash Ley Community Primary School

Believe to Achieve


This week it's all been about our fantastic Year 1's and Year 4's

who have taken their phonic (Year 1) and multiplication check (Year 4).  We are extremely proud of you all!!  You have worked your socks off all year.  Well done - another proud HT moment 🙂 


So: - 

  • We started the week with a whole school writing assembly to set us all up for a week of writing 
  • Selected pupils had a very productive day on Tuesday with our 'writing workshop'.  Everyone had lots of fun and did lots and lots of writing 🙂 
  • Year 2 enjoyed their afternoon of 'boxing' with Progressive Sports 
  • Thanks to those parents who came along to our Year 4 Watch me Learn Session - it was lovely to see so many of you.  We do hope you enjoyed your time with us 🙂 
  • A big 'shout out' to our EYFS parents who came along to our Stay ‘n’ Play event on Wednesday morning - the sun shone and we hope you all had an enjoyable time 
  • Year 5/6 Athletics did us proud on Wednesday.  A big 'shout out' to staff and parent volunteers who supported this event 
  • Our WEDNESDAY PICNIC DAY went down a treat with the children - they thoroughly enjoyed their picnic lunch (with pizza or sausage roll option) and sat with all their friends.  Picnic Wednesday will continue for the rest of this term (see separate photos on Facebook) 
  • Lastly, a very big thank you to everyone who contributed to our NON-UNIFORM DAY by bringing in lovely gifts and chocolate.  All donations will be utilised at the Summer Fayre either on stalls or as prizes. 


Looking ahead to next week: - 

  • Year 1 Forest Schools (am) and Year 5 Forest Schools in the afternoon.  Children to wear old clothes and bring a waterproof coat 🙂 
  • Sports Day for the whole school will be held on Tuesday.  Separate letters sent with timings etc.  A reminder to leave mobile phones at home.  
  • Bring a few pennies with you as the ice cream van will be on the school playground from 3.15pm.   School will receive a % of the total raised.   We just need the weather on our side now 🙂 
  • Year 2 SATS all week 
  • Year 4 Steel Pans @ Staffs County Showground on Wednesday (separate letter sent).  Payment via Parent Pay. 
  • Watch Me Learn - Year 5 on Wednesday 19th June @ 2pm - 3pm.  One parent per family only due to limited space.  Also, a polite reminder to leave mobile phones at home. 
  • PTFA meeting on Wednesday 19th June @ 9am.  We still need parent volunteers to set up a PTFA committee and also to run a few more stalls for our amazing Summer Fayre 
  • After School Clubs on Tuesday and Thursday.  Prompt collection at 4pm 
  • Year 3 have an artist for the day on Friday 21st June.  Payment via Parent Pay 
  • Selected Year 5/6 children are off to Hednesford to play in a football tournament on Friday 21st June in the morning.  A separate letter has been sent 
  • School Council have a NON-UNIFORM DAY on Friday 21st June.  The theme they have chosen is 'Come Dressed as A Rockstar'. 


So, a very busy week ahead.  Have a super weekend and we'll see you all next week 


Mrs B and the FL Team 🙂 

