Contact Information

- 01785 337340
- Flash Ley Community Primary School, Hawksmoor Road, Stafford, ST17 9DR
Flash Ley Community Primary School
Believe to Achieve
So, this week: -
Year 3 enjoyed Forest School and Progressive Sports
Year 6 explored the 'heart' 🙂
So, looking ahead to next week: -
INSET on Friday 27th October - School closed to all children. Voyage is open as normal for paid childcare 🙂
A reminder: - No AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS this week - so all children to be collected from school at the normal finish time of 3.15pm
So only 4 more get ups to go!! We can do this!!! 🙂
Have a lovely weekend and we'll see you on Monday (to do it all again)
Thanks for your continued support
Mrs B and the FL Team 🙂