- We started the week with a 'St George's Day' assembly
- Year 3 had a great time over at Forest Schools which enhanced their Anglo-Saxon topic. They designed and made artefacts like those from the Staffordshire Hoard from clay, made mead (non alcoholic of course 🙂). They also made oat cakes and discussed King Alfred the Great.
- Year 4 enjoyed Tri Golf during their progressive sports time on Tuesday afternoon
- Our Reading Ambassadors spent the morning receiving training on how to promote reading across their year group and school - watch this space 🙂
- Year 6 had a reflective morning on Wednesday discussing managing their feelings in readiness for SATS in a couple of weeks
- Fishing Experience - The sun shone, a lovely location over at Barlaston and after a bit of learning about what fish can be found in the canal, the bait they eat and rods, they were raring to go!!!! All had an amazing time and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. I think even Miss Young enjoyed it secretly 🙂 ha x
- Miss Young and her dance club represented Flash Ley at 'Gotta Dance' on Thursday evening - a special thank you to both Miss Young and Mrs Sargeant and any parents who came along to support us - we were awesome 🙂
Looking ahead to next week: -
- Year 2 have Forest School on Monday so can come into school in old clothes and must bring a change of footwear 🙂
- Year 4 at Standon Bowers (Monday - Wednesday) - see last minute reminders below
- Year 3 Progressive Sports on Tuesday afternoon - children can wear their PE kit on this day
- Year 5/6 Tag Rugby on Wednesday after school (separate letter to select children has been sent)
And that's it for this week
Have a lovely weekend and we'll see you on Monday 🙂
Mrs B and the FL Team
Additional dates for the diary: -
- On Tuesday 7th May @ 9am our Dance Club are performing their DANCE for parents in the hall - if you'd like to come along to watch them, come straight to the school hall. Leave mobile phones at home 🙂
- PTA meeting on Wednesday 8th May @ 9am - planning for the SUMMER FAYRE - we need more volunteers to allow this event to go ahead - if you can help, come along for a chat and a biscuit or 3!!! 🙂
- SUMMER FAYRE - Wednesday 3rd July @ 3.30pm
Year 4 camp arrangements are as follows: -
- All children going to camp are required to bring a packed lunch with them for Monday 🙂
- Parents to meet Mr Atkinson at Standon Bowers between 10.30am and 11am. You will be required to DROP AND GO!! 🙂
- On Wednesday, parents to collect from Standon Bowers between 1.30pm - 2pm. Children can then go straight home from this time - please do not return them to school as Mr Atkinson will be at Standon Bowers for the rest of the afternoon
- If you have not returned your child's medical form - this needs to be done as a matter of urgency
Year 4 children not going to camp are expected to be in school at normal start time on Monday and attend each day as normal. Line up with Year 3 at the beginning of each day.