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Flash Ley Community Primary School

Believe to Achieve


It's the end of another academic year!!  We all made it!!

A special 'thank you' to everyone who came along to our Celebration Assemblies.  I'm sure you'll all agree, it was a lovely reflection of our very busy year. 


DRUM ROLL!!!  We raised a staggering £2113.90 from our sponsored slide event.  This will be used in the new academic year to continue to subsidise the coaches and visits for school trips.   You are all amazing 😊


Also, a big thank you to the parents/carers who have expressed an interest in helping out with school trips, sporting events, fayres etc 😊 We’ll be in touch in September to get you involved.


So, now to recharge the batteries, enjoy the summer and make lots of memories.   Fingers crossed the weather perks up a bit!! 🙂


Thanks once again for your continued support.  We couldn’t do it without you all doing your part😊


We have certainly ended the year on a high! 


See you all on Tuesday 5th September 2023 


Mrs B and the FL Team 🙂 


