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School Logo

Flash Ley Community Primary School

Believe to Achieve


Happy New Year!!

We hope you had a lovely Christmas and wish you all lots of happiness and fun in 2024. 


So, we've all settled very quickly into the school routine again 🙂 Everyone is looking super smart and lots of learning has taken place already this week. 


We welcome Mr Davies to our FL Team.  He’s now finding his feet and we look forward to his involvement and contribution to our FL community.


So, a recap of the week: - 


  • Year 4 and Year 6 had fun enhancing their topic learning over at Forest School on Monday 


  • Year 4 were amazing as always at swimming 


  • Year 1 loved playing Tchoukball on Tuesday afternoon - why not ask them all about it? 🙂 


Looking ahead to next week: - 


  • It's the turn of Year 5 to spend the day over at Forest School.  The forecast is for the cold snap to continue so please ensure children wear warm, old clothes, gloves, scarf and a hat.  Along with a change of footwear (wellies preferably as it's really wet over there) 


  • Year 4 swimming on Monday afternoon - a reminder to leave all jewellery at home 


  • Year 5 have progressive sports on Tuesday afternoon so children can come to school in their PE kits 


  • Wednesday 17th January @3.20pm we have organised a Meet The Teacher for our Year 5 parents to meet and have a chat with Mr Davies (if you haven't already had the opportunity to do so) 


  • Please ensure with the colder weather that is on the way that all children come to school in proper warm coats (rather than a hoody or gilet) along with gloves, scarves and a hat as they still go outside for a bit of fresh air at both break and lunch.  Thanks for your support. 


  • A polite ask please: - we appreciate that on occasions end of day arrangements change and that requires a telephone call to the office to inform us who is collecting your child or who your child is going home with.  Can we please, please ask that any calls of this nature are done before 2.45pm on the day as otherwise it cuts it very fine for Mrs Wileman to run around school with messages to relevant class teachers, if parents aren't ringing until 3.10pm.  Many thanks for your co-operation in this matter.  


  • Dates for the SPRING Term have been issued via Facebook/MM and have been uploaded to the website and calendar.  We endeavour to remind you of each event in advance, but this doesn’t always happen as ‘stuff’ gets in the way 😊 so it might be an idea to pop all relevant dates in your diary now to avoid disappointment. 
  • If you require or prefer a paper copy, please pop in to the office and we can arrange that for you 😊


  • Spring Class Newsletters should now have been issued which give details of ‘learning’ that will be happening in each class 😊


  • The dreaded 's' word is being mentioned for next week!!  School closures due to snow are not taken lightly and don't happen very often at all.  However, if we do need to close school due to weather conditions, notifications will be sent as soon as a decision is made via our MM app and Text 2 Parents app.  
  • Please ensure you have the MM app downloaded on your phone so that you receive all notifications. 


Have a fabulous weekend and we'll see you all on Monday 🙂 


Mrs B and the FL Team 🙂 

