Contact Information

- 01785 337340
- Flash Ley Community Primary School, Hawksmoor Road, Stafford, ST17 9DR
Flash Ley Community Primary School
Believe to Achieve
Just in case we have any snow next week, I'll take this opportunity to remind you all of the Snow Procedure. We will endeavour to keep school open, however, in the event that we do need to close, a Marvellous Me and a Text To Parents message will be sent to everyone! If you don't have access to Marvellous Me, pop into the office for a code. 🙂
So this week:-
So looking ahead to next week:-
Club letters have been issued and places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis 🙂 Clubs will be held on a Tuesday and Thursday until 4pm. They will start w/c:- 23rd January 2023.
Dates for Spring Term have been sent via MM, placed on the website and all dates have been added to the school calendar.
Have a great weekend and we'll see you all on Monday
Mrs B and the FL Team 🙂