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School Logo

Flash Ley Community Primary School

Believe to Achieve


Another week completed 🙂

A reminder that upon collection at the end of the school day. Once your child is handed over to you, it is the parents/carers responsibility to supervise your child. Thanks for your support on this.

Also, yet another reminder for children not to bring TOYS or any VALUABLE POSSESSIONS into school with them - as they are getting lost and it's causing unnecessary upset!!

So, a summary of this week: -
• Year 4 were amazing with their swimming - everyone is making good progress - we are super proud 🙂

• Reception enjoyed Archery with Progressive Sports on Tuesday

• Reception loved their time over at Forest Schools which linked nicely to their Fairy Tales Topic

• On Tuesday after school, a group of our KS2 children along with Ms Young and Mr Davies went over to St Johns for a Change 4 Life Event. Various activities were covered during the session and we came 3rd!! Well done to everyone who took part and a big thank you to staff and parent volunteers.

• On Thursday, Ms Young accompanied our Year 1 and 2 girls football team to Beaconside. Everyone had a fantastic time.

Looking ahead to next week: -
• Year 4 swimming on Monday afternoon

• Year 1 Progressive Sports on Tuesday afternoon - children can come to school in their PE kits

• Year 5 visit to the Fire Station on Wednesday - children to come to school at normal time and be collected as usual

• Year 4 Forest Schools on Thursday - children to come to school in old, warm clothes and bring a change of footwear with them

Dates for the Spring Term have now been issued. They can also be found on the school calendar and on our website page.

At Flash Ley, we take part over the year in many sporting events. Since selling our minibuses, we rely on parents to take children to these events which we are extremely grateful for. However, this week, we have had lots of children who had signed up for the events pulling out at the very last minute, which then has caused lots of work for staff and also if it's a team event, we need the correct number of children to be able to take part in the event.
If your child is signing up for any after school club sporting events, please give us plenty of notice, if they can no longer take part so that substitutes can be contacted so that we have enough children for the team sports.

Have a great weekend

Mrs B and the FL Team 🙂

