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Flash Ley Community Primary School

Believe to Achieve


Another very busy start to the second half of the Summer Term!

Many thanks to you all for being so supportive this week and sharing your positive feedback to our special visitors. 

As soon as we receive the final report, we will share the findings with you! 🙂 


So, this week in a nutshell: - 

  • All your children have been an absolute credit to our Flash Ley Family.  We are so fortunate to have well mannered, enthusiastic and independent learners who are eager to learn and make lots of memories.  They certainly did us all proud! 


  • Year 3, 5 and 6 experienced their first hockey session and they were amazing! 


  • Year 4 had fun and learned lots of new skills making bread with Chef on Thursday. 


  • To finish the week, our Year 5 football team reached the semi-finals!  We are all so proud of your achievements.  We have some real talent 🙂


Looking ahead to next week: - 

  • Phonics Screening all week (Year 1) 


  • Multiplication Maths Check (Year 4) all week 


  • Year 4 swimming on Monday afternoon as normal 


  • Animal Experience in school on Wednesday 14th June (Year 3 & 6) Payment via ParentPay 


  • Year 3, 5 and 6 Hockey Sessions on Wednesday 14th June.  Children can come into school in their PE kits. 


  • Year 3 Father’s Day Event @ 9am on Thursday 15th June.  Please report to the main hall doors 🙂 


  • It's the turn of Year 3 to learn Circus Skills with Stafford Sports on Thursday 15th June.  Children can come to school in their PE kits. 


  • Nursery/Reception and KS1 Father’s Day event on Friday 16th June @ 9am - 10.30am. 

           Nursery/Reception to report to the main office 

           KS1 to report to the main hall doors 


A reminder: - please do leave your mobile phones at home 🙂   


Another reminder: - the Father’s Day Event closing date for Year 4, 5 and 6 for the Forest Schools Experience is on Tuesday 13th June @ noon.  Please send reply slip back along with money for a place to be secured for you. 


After School Club - Our Hockey Club on a Wednesday evening has now been opened up to our YEAR 4 CLASS - letters have been issued today.  Places are limited and offered on a first come, first served basis 🙂  


I have had so many proud Head Teacher moments this week - our Flash Ley family are very special!  

A big thank you to my incredible team for providing a first-class education and going above and beyond.  You are all amazing! 


Now to rest! 


See you all on Monday 


Mrs B and the FL Team 🙂 


