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Flash Ley Community Primary School

Believe to Achieve


Another busy week

Another super busy and productive week had by all! 🙂 


A very special SHOUT OUT to The Kings Arms, Peel Terrace, Stafford who very kindly supplied our Year 1 and Year 2 children with pumpkins for their soup making and various crafts🙂 


Year 6 and Year 3 were amazing and learnt lots of skills during their bikeability - we are super proud of you all! 🙂 

Year 5 enjoyed their Stafford Sports session on Thursday 

Year 1 had great fun in the Forest Schools on Friday 


So looking ahead to next week:- 



There are NO after school clubs on Wednesday 16th November.  They will be back as normal next week.  Thursday after school clubs will run as normal.


Year 1 - Year 6 PACT session on Monday 14th November from 2.15pm.  Parents/carers welcome.  Please leave mobile phones at home.  

PLEASE NOTE:- Year 5 are SWIMMING until 2.30pm so their PACT session will start at 2.35pm


Laches Wood Information Session (Year 6 parents) on Monday 14th November at 3.15pm (straight after PACT)


Year 3 are having Stafford Sports on Thursday so can come to school in their PE kits 


Forest School Friday is the turn of our Year 4 children.  They can come to school in old clothes, wellies or sturdy boots and a waterproof 


Next week we are celebrating MATHS WEEK and also we are having a whole school 'writing' focus 🙂 More updates to follow on this via MM and Facebook


Last but not least, it's CHILDREN IN NEED on Friday 18th November - all money contributed will go to this very worthy charity. This can be paid via Parent pay 🙂 


Have a lovely weekend and we'll look forward to hearing all about it on Monday 


Mrs B and the FL Team 


PS:- Does anyone have a spare set of Xmas Lights that we could have for our Xmas Tree at St Marys Church?  If so, please let Mrs B know 🙂  

