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Flash Ley Community Primary School

Believe to Achieve


Another busy week!!

  • Heart dissection - Year 6 on Monday (separate Facebook post) 
  • Poetry Day Monday followed by assemblies on Thursday - thanks to those who came along to each assembly 🙂 
  • Flu Vaccines administered on Tuesday 
  • Year 4 Swimming on Monday 
  • Year 3 enjoyed Progressive Sports on Tuesday 
  • Year 1 and Reception class enjoyed their time outside in Forest Schools on Thursday


Looking ahead to next week: - 

  • Year 4 swimming on Monday as normal 
  • It's the turn on Year 1 for Progressive Sports on Tuesday - children can wear their PE kits on this day 
  • It's the turn for Part 2 of Forest Schools for Year 1 (morning) and Reception (afternoon).  Children can come to school in their old clothes with a warm coat and a change of sturdy shoes/boots/wellie 🙂 
  • On Friday 11th October @ 9.30am we have a PHONICS WORKSHOP for Reception Parents - come along to see how Phonics is taught in school 🙂 


A reminder that collection of After Schools Clubs is from outside the main office/Reception’s doors at 4pm prompt.  🙂


Jack and his beanstalk will be visiting Flash Ley on Thursday 5th December - please pay via Parent Pay.  We need all parents to contribute to this so that it can go ahead.  £4.50 per child.  It's a bargain!!  Reception - Year 6 only.  Why not include as a Xmas Pressie?  Letters have been sent out this week.  If you need a copy, call into the office. 


A reminder that any items for our HARVEST TABLE, need to be in school on Thursday 10th October in readiness for our 'House of Bread' Assembly the following Monday (letter has been issued in relation to this).  Children will NOT be performing at this assembly 🙂


Have an enjoyable weekend 


Mrs B and the FL Team 🙂 


