- Year 1 and Reception had a productive session over in Forest School on Monday
- Our Science Ambassadors had a fantastic day of training on Tuesday by Dr Lorraine Coghill at entrust. All children participated in a range of experiments, enjoyed talked from guest Scientists and developed their presenting skills. They are very excited to start up a Science club in Summer term.
- Year 3 had an enjoyable session with Progressive Sports
- Thanks to those parents who came along to the 'Watch Me Learn' session on Thursday - we hope you found the session useful 🙂
Looking ahead to next week: -
- Year 4 and Year 5 have Forest Schools on Monday. Warm old clothes and a change of footwear please
- Year 4 have Progressive Sports on Tuesday afternoon so can come to school in their PE kits
- Thursday is WORLD BOOK DAY (separate details have been issued in relation to this)
- On Thursday, Year 4 have their 'Watch Me Learn' session @ 9am. A reminder to leave mobile phones at home. Due to limited space in the classroom, this offer is open to one parent per child only.
- Friday is Non-Uniform Day in exchange for an Easter Egg/Chocolate for our Chocolate Tombola for our Easter Fayre.
A reminder that the closing date for FILM NIGHT is on: - Wednesday 13th March 2024. Payment via Parent Pay.
Parents Evening Letters have also been issued.
Have a great weekend, see you all on Monday
Mrs B and the F L Team 🙂