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Flash Ley Community Primary School

Believe to Achieve


Another busy week - the time is certainly flying by!!

So, this week looked a bit like this: - 

  • Year 4 swimming on Monday 
  • We held an assembly on Monday to celebrate 'Black History' month 
  • Year 6 had a very productive day over in Forest Schools 
  • EYFS/Year 1 and Year 2 experienced a taster session of Didi Rugby - after school club letters will be issued shortly for this - if we get enough interest, then these sessions will be introduced 🙂
  • Year 2 spent the afternoon learning Frisbee Golf on Tuesday and had lots of fun 
  • Year 4, 5 and 6 spent the day at Conkers for their OFSTED Treat - they had loads of fun in the 'rain'!!  The Great British Weather certainly didn't let us down. 

A special mention to our 'volunteers' who gave up their precious time to spend the day at Conkers with our children - we hope you had a great day 🙂 


So, looking ahead to next week: - 

  • It's the turn of Year 4 to experience Forest Schools on Monday morning - they will go swimming in the afternoon as normal.  Children to wear old clothes and sensible shoes and bring a coat 
  • Our Reception children have a Forest School session on Monday afternoon - children can come to school in old clothes, sturdy shoes and a coat 
  • Year 6 have progressive sport on Tuesday afternoon.  Children to come into school in their PE kits for the day 
  • AFRICAN DRUMMING EXPERIENCE on Wednesday - please pay via parent pay 🙂 Unless we have more payments for this amazing experience we will unfortunately need to be cancel.  Even if you can't pay the whole amount, a contribution via parent pay would be great and mean that children can experience the African Drumming 
  • Our Year 5/6 football team have a football match on Wednesday after school at Oakridge.  Letters and more information have been sent to those children who will be representing Flash Ley. 
  • We are pleased to invite you all to our first community science show of the year on Thursday 12th October 3:30 - 4:00 in the school hall.  Please wait outside for the door halls to open.  Any questions, please speak to Mrs How
  • Friday - please bring any items for our Harvest Table on Friday 20th October ready for our Harvest Assembly on Monday 23rd October 2023 


Keep your eyes peeled for a FILM NIGHT letter which is being held on Monday 23rd October 2023.   We do have a strict deadline for any payment (see letter) this is so that pizzas can be ordered and so that we have registers sorted so we know who is attending.  


ADVANCE NOTICE: - School Council are holding a Non-Uniform 'Spooky Dress Up' Day on Thursday 26th October.  £1 contribution to School Council.  If your child doesn't wish to dress up then they come to school in normal school uniform. 


Have a great weekend and we'll see you all on Monday 


Mrs B and the FL Team 🙂

