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Flash Ley Community Primary School

Believe to Achieve


Woo hoo!!!  We've made it to the October half term break!!

We had special visitors on Tuesday.  Mr Tuach (Chair of Governors) and Mrs Brotherton (Vice-chair) visited school and met with our Class Ambassadors.  They were both really impressed with their enthusiasm and the love they have for our school.  They also commented that it was very clear that all children are given fabulous opportunities within the school day to learn and thrive. 

A very big well done to our Class Ambassadors and to Mrs Fenton for welcoming our visitors to Flash Ley 🙂

So, a quick summary of this week: - 

  • EYFS/KS1 had a blast picking from our very own FL Pumpkin Patch 🙂 the pumpkin soup making went down a 'treat' as well 
  • Those who joined us at the disco - had a great time and lots of sweaty faces left at the end of the night.  Thanks to those staff who volunteered to supervise the disco.  
  • Year 4 yet again amazed us with their fantastic efforts during swimming 
  • Reception class loved their time with Progressive Sports  
  • Year 4 also embraced their time over at Forest Schools 
  • We finished the week by 'Dressing as a Rainbow' to support our School Council Pot of Gold 🙂 Thanks to those who supported us by contributing £1.


Looking ahead to the first week back after half term: - 

  • Children return to school on Monday 4th November 2024 
  • Year 6 Spelling PACT on Monday 4th November @ 9am (one parent per child) due to limited space 
  • Year 4 swimming as normal on Monday 
  • Parents evening from 2.30pm - 6.30pm - this is a great opportunity to find out how your child has settled into their new class and also what targets they are currently working towards 🙂 If you've not already done so, contact your child's class teacher to reserve an appointment.   
  • Please note: - we are starting at the earlier time of 2.30pm this time, however, all children will be released from school at the normal finish time of 3.15pm 
  • It's the turn of Year 3 for Progressive Sports on Tuesday - children can come into school in their PE kits 
  • Year 2 have Forest Schools on Thursday - please ensure children wear old clothes and bring a change of study footwear as they will be outside all day 
  • Our new menu starts straight after half term.  Menus have been sent to you all and it's been posted on Facebook/sent via MM and is on our website 🙂 If you need a paper copy, please call into the office. 
  • After school clubs continue after half term each Tuesday and Thursday - same clubs, same children.  
  • With the exception of the paid Progressive Sports Club which will now be BOXING for KS1 children - a separate letter has been issued - online payment direct to Progressive Sports for this 🙂


Now time to rest, spend time doing what you enjoy and make lots of memories 


Happy half term 


We'll see you all on Monday 4th November @ 8.40am 


Mrs B and the FL Team 🙂


