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School Logo

Flash Ley Community Primary School

Believe to Achieve


Another week flies by!!

  • We started the week by paying our respects in our Remembrance Day Assembly.  Members of the British Legion joined in our remembrance. 
  • Year 4 had fun with Chef on Tuesday morning.  They all took part in a tasting and sensory session and finished by looking at what makes a balanced diet. 
  • Year 6 enjoyed their afternoon on Tuesday with Progressive Sports 
  • Year 5 spent the day over at Forest Schools.  They used cooking stoves in the morning to record temperatures of cool and boiling liquids and then discussed evaporation and condensation linking their ideas back to the water cycle. 
  • In the afternoon, they investigated reversible and irreversible changes.  A great exciting productive day!! 
  • We finished the week supporting CHILDREN IN NEED - a big thank you to everyone who supported this very worthy charity - once we get a final amount, we will let you all know 🙂 


Film night letters have been issued this week so please reserve your child's place as soon as possible. 


PLEASE NOTE: - There is a strict cut off date for WEDNESDAY 4th DECEMBER this is so that we can sort out adequate staffing, prepare snacks and prepare registers so that we know who is and isn't attending film night.  PAY IN PLENTY OF TIME TO AVOID ANY DISAPPOINTMENT AND UPSET 


Looking ahead to next week: - 


  • Road Safety and Non-Fiction Week 
  • Various Football Tournaments on Monday (children who are involved have received a text to confirm) 
  • Year 2 have Progressive Sports on Tuesday - children can come to school in their PE kits 
  • Year 6 camp meeting after school on Wednesday 20th November @ 3.15pm 
  • Year 1 have Forest Schools on Thursday 21st November so can come to school in their old clothes, a warm coat and a change of sturdy footwear 


The 'S' word has been mentioned in the weather forecast!!!!  So, in the unlikely event of a school closure due to weather, all parents will be notified as soon as possible via our Marvellous Me.  Therefore, if you don't have a log in for this APP, it is crucial that you obtain a sign in from the office. 


Thanks for your continued support 


Have a fabulous weekend. 


Mrs B and TL Team 

