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Flash Ley Community Primary School

Believe to Achieve


Another super week of learning, making friends and having lots of fun 🙂



Year 6 had a great time on Tuesday afternoon with Progressive Sports taking part in Paralympics sports 


Year 5 enjoyed their time over in Forest Schools on Thursday 


Looking ahead to next week: - 


  • Year 4 have swimming on Monday - all jewellery to be taken out at home! Swimming caps required for anyone with long hair and girls 


  • Year 5 have Progressive Sports on Tuesday afternoon - children can come in school PE kits (No football shirts) 


  • It's the turn of Year 3 to spend the day over in Forest Schools on Thursday - children can come to school in old clothes and bring a change of footwear - No football shirts 


  • Year 2 parents are invited into school @ 9am on THURSDAY 19th September for an ACCELERATED READERS WORKSHOP 🙂




Children can come to school in their JEANS along with SCHOOL UNIFORM, School Shoes - NO TRAINERS 🙂 


£1 suggested contribution. 


ERIC Session from 8.30am each Friday for Nursery/Reception and KS1 - parents are welcome to join their child in the classroom to share a reading book 🙂   It would be amazing to see a few new faces 🙂


Have a lovely weekend and we'll see you all on Monday 


Mrs B and the FL Team 


PS: - Autumn Term Dates to be issued next week - keep your eyes peeled 🙂 

